Dahlia show garden

Together with the CNB from Lisse, we organise a dahlia show garden at our farm from August.
CNB is a trade intermediary or broker in flower bulbs, tubers and perennials. Together with CNB and about 20 growers from the Bollenstreek and the surrounding area we ensure that you can enjoy more than 600 varieties of dahlias that are in flower at De Tulperij farm. A feast for the eye, there are so many varieties of dahlias and so many colors and shapes. You won’t know where to look! Come and marvel at the splendor of colors at De Tulperij.

Opening days and times
The show garden is open from 8 August to 1 October. You can visit our farm every day from 09:30 to 17:00. Would you also like to learn more about planting and caring for dahlias, then you book an excursion then check the dates and times via this link. Bookings are taken almost daily.